
facehhr  instahhr

Please phone Hoggets Hog Roasts Today for INSTANT price and available deals. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. As we are usually out delivering or preparing Hog Roasts etc we can sometimes take time to reply to emails so the best way to contact us is by ringing the mobile directly. If you choose this option to contact us then please leave a message if you get no answer.

Please include a postcode AND phone number in your email to us thank you. Before you ring please take the time to read the Booking Terms & Conditions


1. 50% will be taken on your confirmed booking.
2. Until the booking is cleared in our account the dates are not guranteed.

Contact Details

SA44 5TL, Wales

Email: info@hhrcatering.com

07967 955773